Religious Education

Children's Religious Education (CRE)
The Children’s Religious Education Program (CRE) classes begin August 18 at 9:15 a.m. for PreK – 8th Grade. High School classes meet from 3:15 - 5:15 p.m. every other week.

Baptism Preparation
With a long tradition in the Catholic Church, the Baptism of children is an expression of a parent’s commitment to the faith, as well as a sign of God’s love and care for the child. Celebration of the sacrament provides an opportunity for family, loved ones, and members of the community to welcome the child into the Christian Community.

Adult Faith Formation
Faith formation is a lifelong process. From the womb to the tomb we are called into a deeper relationship with the Church, each other and God our Father who first loved us. Please join us Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. in Meeting Rooms 1&2 as we unlock the treasures of God’s Church.

(Formerly RCIA)
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you searching for answers to life’s questions, looking for community, or just wondering what the Catholic Church has to offer? OCIA is a way to discover the treasure of the Catholic Faith. If you’d like more information or if you know someone who may want to join us, e-mail Brenda Christian at or call her at 661-5130, ext. 210. RCIA starts Tuesday, September 10 at 6:30 p.m.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a formation process for unbaptized people and for members of other Christian churches seeking admission into the Catholic Church. When the Church uses the word “adult” in reference to Christian initiation, it includes children. In other words, there is no additional rite for children or teens. “Adult” refers to everyone who has reached the age of reason.
The process for the Catechumenate is a 4 stage process. Inquiry begins in September and lasts for a period of time. The purpose of Inquiry is to allow candidates to ask questions regarding faith and the Catholic Church. It also allows the Church to ask questions of each Candidate.
The second period is known as the Catechumenate. After the Rite of Acceptance, the candidates begin formal study of the Faith. The study is an immersion in the Word of God and is augmented by doctrine, sacramental theology, history of tradition making up the Catholic Faith.
The period of Purification and Enlightenment begins with the Rite of Election and lasts through the 40 days of Lent. The goal for this period is prayer and preparation for the Easter Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist.
The first three stages culminate at the Easter Vigil where full initiation of adults takes place. The 50 days of Easter make up the period of Mystagogia. Mystagogia looks deeply into the experience of being a newborn Christian (Neophyte) and explores the Mysteries of Receiving and Knowing the Risen Christ.

Rediscovering Your Catholic Faith
Were you raised Catholic but do not come or seldom come to Mass anymore?
Are you a Catholic who now feels separated from your Church?
Would you like to know more about the Catholic Church as it is today?
Would you like to feel at home in the Catholic Church again?
No matter how long you have been away and no matter the reason, we invite you to consider renewing your relationship with the Catholic Church.
PLACE: St. Dominic Parish Office
For more information, contact
Deacon Bob Kirby, 721-7757, or